PODCAST: Compassion & Social Connections to Enhance Performance

Compassion & Social Connections to Enhance Performance

FEB 2020 Podcast: Dr Abel: Compassion & Social Connections to Enhance Performance

‘Our guest on this episode is Dr. Julian Abel, who spent his clinical life as a palliative care specialist doctor where he developed a special interest in compassionate communities, initially as part of supporting people undergoing experiences of death, dying, loss and caregiving. Over the last 4 years, he has worked with Frome Medical Practice applying the compassionate community approach to healthcare in general, with some startling results. He is Director of Compassionate Communities UK, a charity which aims to share the lessons learnt in both palliative care and primary care more broadly. Julian is also an accomplished endurance runner who loves MAF, running with his dogs, spending time with family, surfing the UK coastline, practicing daily meditation, and making his health a priority. On this conversation, we share the power of becoming a healthier athlete via increased quality social connections and cultivating more compassion as well as how to take small steps to be a happier, healthier, more empathetic human, and overcoming loneliness.’


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